Beauty Beyond the Smile

The City View Dental Comfort Menu
City View Dental offers a luxurious dental experience tailored to their patients' comfort and relaxation. Beyond exceptional dental care, they prioritize ensuring each visit is a serene and calming experience. City View Dental redefines the dental experience, prioritizing patient comfort and well-being at every step. Our comfort menu features a range of amenities designed to alleviate anxiety and enhance relaxation during your dental visit including:
- Weighted Blankets
- Aromatherapy
- Noise-Canceling Headphones
- Heated Towels
- Neck Pillows & Leg Bolsters
- Heat Pack and Bite Blocks
Noticeable results, no surgery, and no recovery time – discover the benefits of Botox® at our practice. There are many different reasons that patients choose to receive Botox treatment, from wanting to remove fine lines and wrinkles to treating more severe conditions such as TMJ and chronic migraines. Botox can relieve any of the symptoms that make you feel less confident, and help you achieve a more youthful, radiant appearance.
What is Botox Cosmetic?
Botox is a medication that can only be prescribed to you by a healthcare professional. It is used as a temporary treatment for patients between the ages of 18 and 65. Botox treatments are quick and comfortable, and within hours you will begin to notice a difference in the way your skin looks and feels.
How does Botox work?
Botox uses a special protein to block overactive nerve impulses, restricting muscle contractions. In doing so, Botox helps to relax the muscles beneath the skin, so that fine lines and wrinkles become less visible, giving the skin a healthy, more youthful appearance.
Depending on each individual case, the results can last between one and six months. Treatment is temporary, and once the Botox begins to wear off, the skin will return to the way it looked before treatment.
Botox is also used to relieve symptoms of TMJ, as well as provide comfort to patients receiving dental implants. In each case, Botox is used to reduce the amount of stress placed on the teeth and jaw so that patients feel comfortable and confident.
Am I a good candidate for Botox?
Botox may or may not be the right treatment for you. The best candidates for treatment with Botox are:
- Between the ages of 18 and 65
- Diagnosed with, and experiencing discomfort from, TMJ
- Concerned with removing wrinkles and fine lines
- Looking for a non-surgical skin treatment
- Aware that Botox results are temporary
- In good physical and psychological health
- Willing to discuss their concerns and desires with their dentist before treatment
Agnes RF Facial Sculpting and brow lift
Agnes RF is an innovative skin-tightening treatment that combines the benefits of microneedling with the power of radiofrequency (RF) energy to rejuvenate the skin without surgery. Below, we explain how Agnes RF can be the right treatment option to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
What To Expect When Considering Agnes
Agnes RF microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that provides natural-looking results with minimal downtime and recovery. Topical numbing cream is applied before treatment, and most patients find the procedure to be relatively comfortable. There may be swelling and redness for a day or two, but these mild symptoms should not keep you from your daily schedule.
Agnes RF is typically safe for all skin tones and types.
An Agnes RF session is a fast and straightforward procedure that can be performed in approximately one to two hours, depending on the treatment area. We offer a regime of serums for Agnes:
- Detox: Seven-day pre-regime serum
- Exoe: Same-day serum
- Repair: Seven days post-procedure
Agnes Aftercare
Agnes RF recovery time and downtime are minimal. However, side effects and the length of recovery time can vary based on the type of treatment and the skin conditions treated. For example, a patient using Agnes RF for acne can expect redness and swelling for one to three days. Those undergoing treatment on a sensitive area, such as under the eyes, can expect swelling and redness for three to seven days.
Patients with severe skin conditions or those looking to address multiple concerns may require a series of treatment sessions. For the best results, we recommend two to three treatments spaced about three to four months apart. Your provider will customize your treatment plan according to your unique skincare needs and goals.
Benefits Of Agnes RF In Skin-Tightening
Agnes RF is a safe and effective laser device that provides a customizable treatment for many skin conditions. It can precisely target problem areas without damaging the surrounding skin. Agnes RF can help treat the following skin issues and aging concerns:
- Submental fat (double chin)
- Under-eye bags
- Jowls or skin laxity around the neck
- Uneven skin tone and texture
- Enlarged and clogged pores
- Sagging skin
- Scars
- Acne
Long-Lasting Results Of Agnes
With Agnes RF, results improve over time because the device helps stimulate your body’s natural production of collagen. Initial results can be seen within a month after a session and will continue to develop for up to six months after each treatment. Depending on your skin condition, Agnes RF can provide results that can last for up to two years. Regular touch-up sessions are recommended to maintain the treatment’s benefits. To help extend your results, be sure to:
- Always use sun protection
- Have a solid skincare regimen
- Eat healthy foods
- Exercise regularly
- Stay hydrated
If you want to have fuller-looking lips but are wary of invasive procedures, especially those that involve needles, then Dr. Snyder might have the solution for you: LipLase. LipLase is a non-invasive treatment that helps you get the kind of lips you want without introducing any artificial materials into your body.
How Does LipLase Make Your Lips Fuller
At our office, we use a Fotona LightWalker® AT laser, the most advanced and best-performing among the LightWalker laser apparatuses. It sports Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers for standard and deeper treatments respectively. When the laser is projected onto the skin in pulse sequences, it stimulates new collagen production in the lips, improving their elasticity and texture, and giving them more volume and fullness. The pulses are timed in such a way that heat buildup is avoided.
What are the advantages and benefits of LipLase treatment?
LipLase is a high-tech way of improving the look of your lips. Here are some advantages and benefits of LipLase treatment:
- Non-invasive and does not involve needles.
- No downtime.
- No artificial chemicals or materials are introduced into your lips, unlike with dermal filler treatments.
- Relies on the effects of natural collagen production.
- Produces visible results as early as the first appointment.
- Can be customized to produce not only fullness and volume but also the perfect balance between the lower and upper lips, and the definition of the vermilion border (the border between the lip skin and normal skin) and the “cupid’s bow”.
How is a LipLase treatment performed?
After the initial consultation, we will first apply a special gel onto the treatment area to help reduce puffiness and smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. Then, we will proceed with the laser treatment. You may feel minimal sensations of heat and pain, for which we can provide numbing cream.
The entire process can take about 30 minutes. We might recommend multiple sessions depending on the extent of the treatment needed. However, you will be able to see some results as early as the first session, and these results can last up to six months.
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser skin resurfacing is the use of special lasers to help improve your skin’s texture and appearance. At the office of Dr. Snyder, we use a Fotona Er:YAG laser for ablative treatments to remove skin imperfections like wrinkles and warts by removing the necessary layers of skin. For non-ablative treatments that do not remove any layers of skin, we use a Fotona Nd:YAG laser to treat conditions like acne-related skin issues.
What conditions does laser skin resurfacing treat?
Here are some of the conditions that laser skin resurfacing can treat:
- Fine and deep wrinkles
- Uneven skin tone
- Crow’s feet
- Scars, including acne scars
- Enlarged oil glands
- Sagging skin
- Age spots
- Warts
How is a laser skin resurfacing procedure performed?
Before the actual laser skin resurfacing, your skin will undergo a series of treatments to improve its tolerance to the resurfacing and reduce your risk of side effects. This preparation will be done weeks before your resurfacing procedure.
On the day of your procedure, we will administer a topical anesthetic to the prepared skin to help keep you comfortable and keep you from feeling pain. Then, excess dirt, oil, and bacteria will be cleaned off the treatment area. Our doctor will then perform the actual resurfacing of your skin using the appropriate laser. After the resurfacing, our doctor will dress the treated skin.
Potential Side Effects
Although we will do everything we can to prevent any of these from happening, the procedure can produce any of these possible side effects:
- Redness
- Hyperpigmentation
- Swelling
- Scarring
- Burning
- Rashes
- Infection
You must take some time off, about three to ten days, to let your skin heal after the treatment. If there is any swelling in the treatment area, use an ice pack to bring it down. You will also need to clean the treated area two to five times a day using a special cleanser that our doctor will prescribe. Wear an SPF 30 (minimum) sunscreen whenever you go outdoors to protect your skin from sunburn and damage. Your treated skin will be sensitive to the sun for up to one year after treatment.
NeckLase is a skin-tightening treatment that uses fractional lasers. At the office of Dr. Snyder, we use a CO2 fractional laser to promote skin regeneration and make your neck look as tight and supple as when you were in your prime.
How does NeckLase treat neck skin aging?
Our skin’s cells regularly break down, die, and are replaced by new cells. But when we age, this process slows down and makes certain cells unable to produce collagen and elastin. This causes the skin to sag and become dry, rough, and less firm. When this happens to your neck, you will look older, sometimes even older than you really are. One of the best ways to treat this condition is by undergoing treatment with NeckLase.
The NeckLase treatment uses high-intensity CO2 fractional lasers to destroy certain cells in both the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin. These cells are the ones responsible for sagging and blemishes. The body then removes these dead cells and replaces them with new healthy cells, enabling the production of collagen and making the skin look cleaner, clearer, tighter, and fuller.
The Benefits of NeckLase
The NeckLase treatment provides benefits that may not be provided by other skin-tightening methods. These include:
- Fast results. Many of our patients experience the desired results in two weeks.
- Effective and safe.
- No incisions are required.
- No side effects.
- No downtime. You can immediately resume your regular activities after the treatment.
How is a NeckLase treatment performed?
First, we will analyze your skin and determine which areas need to be treated. Once we have determined these areas, we will apply a topical numbing cream to them to help keep you comfortable throughout the rest of the procedure. Then, we will apply a protective gel over the treatment areas, followed by the projection of tiny laser pulses using a handpiece. You might feel a mild tingling or stinging sensation as the laser hits your skin, but generally, you should feel little to no pain.
We use Reiki to help with dental anxiety. Reiki is an energy healing modality that can be used in dentistry to relieve suffering. Reiki is facilitated by light touch. It typically brings rapid stress reduction and relief from pain and anxiety, helping to put the patients' mind at ease during a dental procedure.
The Causes Of Dental Anxiety
There are many ways that people can experience dental anxiety. Your dentist will consider all the factors that may be contributing to your anxiety during your consultation. Some of the most common causes of dental anxiety include the following:
- Fear of the sights, smells, and sounds of a dentist’s office
- Recurring bad experiences from past visits to a dentist’s office
- Pain or discomfort
- Unfamiliarity with the dental treatment process
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning “universal life energy.” Reiki practitioners believe that we are all spiritually, mentally, and physically connected. When our energy is low, we tend to feel unhappy. Reiki can help return us to balanced functioning it also encourages relaxation. The body is holistically treated, and both physical and emotional healing can occur.
How does Reiki work?
Reiki works on an energetic level, which is beyond time and space. It activates according to the needs of the person. This energy flows through the hands of the clinician through the patient’s physical body, gently influencing an individual’s system toward balance. During a Reiki session, the practitioner will place their hands lightly on the body or may hover their hands slightly above the body. Many patients report feeling calmer and more relaxed following a Reiki session.
Is Reiki safe?
Reiki is safe because it does not require any physical manipulation, like dental instruments. Some of the benefits may include:
- Improved sleep and digestion
- A greater sense of well-being
- Feeling more motivated and less depressed
- Some experience relief from side effects of medication, radiation, or chemotherapy.
- All results vary from person to person.